Innovating a sustainable path for a better future
FuturaGene is committed to social responsibility, developing sustainable biotechnology solutions for the problem of rapidly increasing wood demand and contributing to the social well-being of our world. We are globally equipped to implement concrete changes that balance socio-economic growth with the sustainable use of natural resources and the conservation of ecosystem services.
Whilst we strive to develop sustainable forestry and agricultural solutions to produce crops without degrading the environment, we are also actively engaged in a dialogue with key stakeholders of our industry to secure the necessary policy changes to preserve today’s natural resources for tomorrow.
Humanitarian project
FuturaGene is committed to providing its technologies for enhancing food security and forest health. An example of this commitment is a 2013 agreement with the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, a not-for-profit scientific research institute in the United States of America, whose mission is to “improve the human condition through plant science”.
Under the agreement, FuturaGene provided its yield enhancement technology, royalty free, for evaluation and development in crops which are important for food security in some of the poorest regions of the world.
Suzano operates an extensive outgrowers program, through which it provides seedlings to smallholder farmers and purchases their wood at harvest. Subsequent to the commercial deployment of our genetically modified technologies, FuturaGene and Suzano are committed to making these products enhanced by these technologies available to partners in the Suzano outgrowers program at no additional cost, thus providing income increase to these smallholders.